When did you begin taking photographs and how did it lead to your current practice?
I have always had a camera but back in 2016 was looking for a hobby and joined a Veterans Instameet at Bombo Quarry and got hooked. I bought a Canon DSLR shortly after then progressed on to a Sony when I realised I wanted something lighter. I started with night photography and landscapes and that has stayed with me through the years.
Are there any photographers whose work you admire?
I have always liked William Patino’s work but really I am into anything that is landscape and local.
Where do you find inspiration as a photographer?
Mainly through Instagram but often just when I am walking around my local streets and travelling.
Tell us about your gear!
I recently upgraded to a Sony A7 IV for a trip to Italy and with that got on to one of the best travel lenses the Tamron 28-200mm. The Sony provides me with the low-light capabilities that I am after and I have a few lenses that go with it but always have the Tamron with me.
I have recently brought an OM System OM-5 to assist with travelling as well.

What’s it like being a woman in the photography industry?
Being a woman only really limits the places I go at night or remote locations, otherwise I don’t see a difference
What was the best piece of advice you were given starting out?
Practice Practice Practice! Like everything, the more you practice photography the better you get.
How has your work evolved over the years?
Since I started, my work has gotten better but mainly my eye for a good image is improving. Hopefully it will be even better a year from now.
What advice do you have for women who would like to be in the photography industry?
Keep practicing and find a good group of people you can go out and photograph with.
How would you describe the creative process behind your work?
The creative process, really I just go out take some photographs and bring them home and decide what I like when I go through to see what needs editing.
What are your upcoming projects?
Ah, I have just released a photobook and have a few projects in the works. My hometown recently received e-scooters so I have been capturing their use, I just need to finalise this project. I am also capturing our landmarks at night and am hoping to hold a few exhibitions this year. Otherwise let’s see what the year brings.

Thanks Anita!